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Helping Individuals and Businesses
Achieve Greater Results

Gina McClowry Consulting is a boutique consulting and coaching firm focused on helping people and companies harness their full potential to achieve superior results. Gina is a high-energy, professional trainer, coach and consultant, working with individuals, organizations, and teams to enhance workplace communication and relationships to impact results and the bottom line. 


Gina's clients include Silicon Valley start-ups, engineering firms, non-profit businesses, universities, global medical device companies, and manufacturing organizations, just to name a few.

Gina is also a professional speaker

 Workshops & Training

Audiovisual Conference

Develop Your Staff


Our engaging live and virtual workshops are the right fit for employees, managers, and  leaders. We are able to quickly connect with any audience and design and deliver programs that are interactive and effective and that are always aligned with organizational goals.

Business Meeting

Talent Development & Engagement

Transform Your Business

Working with small and medium sized businesses to help them design and deliver effective people strategies is our strength.  Performance management, talent and succession planning, leadership development and employee engagement are our  specialties.

Professional Coaching

Business Meeting

Build Your Leadership Bench

We provide coaching solutions that focus on building leadership capacities to support your organization's strategy, mission and goals. We  help leaders at all levels to leverage their strengths, address their soft spots, and prepare for more advanced roles. 

Contact Gina

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